Pope film about Laudato Si’ coming (very) soon!

by | Sep 28, 2022 | Blogs, News

We have very exciting news. On October 4, YouTube Originals will release the grand documentary film, The Letter, telling the story of the Laudato Si’ encyclical letter and how the climate crisis is strongly affecting the Earth and all those who inhabit it.

This movie is the fruit of a few years of work of Laudato Si’ Movement in partnership with Off the Fence (Oscar-winning producers of My Octopus Teacher) and the Vatican. 

This movie is the fruit of a few years of work of Laudato Si’ Movement in partnership with Off the Fence (Oscar-winning producers of My Octopus Teacher) and the Vatican. 

Truly, it is a historical moment for us. It’s our movement’s largest initiative so far, and Pope Francis is the film’s star! 

Besides the Pope, who has generously spent time with us during the production, sharing his deep wisdom, other voices are also featured, representing the peripheries of the ecological crisis.

Ridhima, a teenage youth activist from India; Cacique Dada, an indigenous leader from the Amazon; Arouna, a climate refugee from Senegal; and Robin and Greg, a couple of scientists from Hawaii. 

Their stories are prophetic and moving. And they had the opportunity to tell the Pope in first person the difficulties they are going through and how the climate crisis affects them closely.

Your support is very important 

Together, we must make the most out of this precious opportunity and spread the wisdom of Laudato Si’ on a large scale. We count on you to spread the word to all your friends and acquaintances about this incredible initiative.

On the other hand, we are seeking donations to boost the film campaign and ensure that it is widely known throughout the Church and beyond. We are beginning to work with leaders and members of our movement to get the film screened in as many parishes and communities as possible on every continent.

We humbly come to you today, asking for your support. If you are able to, I encourage you to please consider donating today to ensure the film reaches every corner of the world. 


The film will premiere in Vatican City on October 4, the Feast of St. Francis that closes the Season of Creation. Hours later it will be available to watch on YouTube for free, available to everyone. 

We hope the launch will be followed by an ocean-like ripple with screenings around the world and a campaign to provide concrete tools for communities to take bold action for climate and ecological justice. 

Moreover, we’ll bring the film to the halls of power—ranging from parliaments all the way to UN summits as COP27 and COP15—demanding politicians to do better.

It will be a lot of work, but we’re very excited.  We’re counting on you!

1 Comment

  1. Lu Doyle

    This is an amazing film. Thank you!! We are showing it at our parish next month. It inspires us to care in an even deeper way for the creation that surrounds us. You have joined science with spirituality in an elevated way! The diverse group of women and men in this small group who met at the Vatican blessed each other and bless us! Thank you, Pope Francis; thank you, Lorna Gold; thank you, gang of five!


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