A parish in New York City.
A university institute in Dublin, Ireland.
A Laudato Si’ Movement chapter in Trinidad and Tobago.
A gathering of “people of goodwill” at the United Nations Water Conference.
A middle school in Cortazar, Mexico.
Together with over 146 other screenings, they are the communities who have projected The Letter throughout March in collaboration with Laudato Si’ Movement, each audience participant across the world confronted with the final question of the movie: how will you care for our common home?

Students at Colegio Fray Pedro de Gante in Cortazar, Mexico learn from The Letter.
One screening organized by the Daughters of St. Paul had international attendance, with sisters coming to the event from Kenya, Angola, DR Congo, Malawi, Madagascar, Mozambique, Uganda & Zambia.
“The realities in the film are the realities of our lives” for screening attendees Sr. Olga and Sr. Deborah in the devastating wake of Cyclone Freddy.

Religious sisters at the Daughters of St. Paul screening pose in celebration of The Letter.
During the screenings, many audiences discuss and debate the impact of the film, including a parish in Wolverhampton, United Kingdom that encouraged attendees to name one action in care for our common home, among them:
“Write to my Member of Parliament to watch the film”
“Plant trees and donate to the Amazon”
“Send the film’s link to all my contacts in social media”
Several screenings are still in preparation for the final weeks of March, including one organized by Laudato Si’ Animators in Timor Leste. For animator Dircia Belo in Timor Leste, where communities are confronted by waste management challenges and flooding, the film is an opportunity to expand the efforts of Laudati Si’ Movement.
“We want people to know we exist and there are people out there working for the environment,” Belo declares.

Darrion Narine, CCSJ moderates the discussion of The Letter at the Trinidad and Tobago screening.
Inspired to screen The Letter in your community? Click here to learn how.
Inspired to become a Laudato Si’ Animator? Click here to join.
Please follow Laudato Si’ Movement on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay engaged with the movement and learn about further news regarding the film.