Safeguarding Guidance For Screening Events


This safeguarding resource is for screening hosts, educators and anyone running activities and events related to The Letter  where young people and other vulnerable members of the population may be involved.

Safeguarding stands on a few core principles: 

  • Children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind. 
  • Everybody has a moral and ethical responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people. 
  • All children, regardless of the child’s or his or her parent’s or legal guardian’s race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status, have a right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse.
  • Some children are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs, or other issues.
  • The wellbeing of all children is important.

Your responsibility

Safeguarding ensures that young people and other vulnerable members of the population are kept safe from abuse, exploitation, violence and neglect. As the host of an event or lesson, it is your responsibility to ensure that safeguarding the welfare of all vulnerable people is prioritized while planning your activities.

Please ensure you have read Laudato Si’ Movement’s safeguarding policy before planning your activities. This guide provides some recommendations and suggested reading to support your planning.

Laudato Si’ Movement provides safeguarding training. By registering your event, you will receive access to the schedule of training sessions. 

Some initial recommendations are provided below, but please refer to the full safeguarding policy for further information:

  • Ensure your event or activities are in line with Laudato Si’ Movement’s safeguarding policy and that you are adopting child protection and safeguarding best practices. 
  • Appoint a person of trust for children and young people. 
  • Make sure any staff or volunteers involved with your event or activities have completed background checks. 
  • Share information about safeguarding with young people, families, and staff, including volunteers. 
  • Ensure there is a process in place to report and address suspicious behavior. 

A note on photography and social media

In our use of information and visual images, both photographic stills and video, the overriding principle is to maintain respect and dignity in our portrayal of children, families, and communities. Taking photographs of children or other vulnerable people and/or using their likenesses on social media is to be avoided. 

Only in cases of explicit permission from the parent or legal guardian should these images be used.