A Carta,



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A Carta apresenta Arouna Kandé, Cacique Dadá, Ridhima Pandey, Greg Asner, Robin Martin, e Lorna Gold. Desde que fizeram o filme juntos, têm conversado com frequência e estão lutando por mudanças em suas respectivas terras natais e em outros lugares.

Apoie a Arouna Kandé

Arouna Kandé is now working towards a degree in social work while supporting his sisters and exploring ways to sustainably develop his home village. In particular, Mr. Kandé has a vision for a local market for women farmers, the development of a 7-km road to connect his local market to that of a bigger village, and the construction of a local health clinic.

Mr. Kandé also serves as an administrative assistant at Maison de la Gare, the school that gave him a sense of direction in Saint Louis. Thanks to film supporters, Maison de la Gare’s Emergency Street Clean Project helped restore three community sites that were flooded during the making of the film. Clearing and restoring the landscape was paired with engaging and educating the local community. Maison de la Gare is experiencing increasing flooding and is seeking funds to increase the resilience of the campus and support more children.

Apoie a Cacique Dadá

Cacique Dadá is now leading a regional task force to improve health among Indigenous communities. In this role, he leads several traditional Indigenous peoples and acts as a liaison to services.

Cacique Dadá has also developed a region-wide training program for environmental defenders, with a special focus on ensuring that environmental defense is sustainable for generations to come. As a result, extractive industries’ threats against him have increased, as he is seen as an increasingly powerful champion of his people’s rights. Donate to Forest Forces, an NGO that supports Cacique Dadá.

Thanks to film supporters, Cacique Dadá has gained additional protection from the mercenary attackers who have threatened him in the past. Cacique Dadá is seeking GPS units and other materials that traditional Indigenous land defenders can use across the region. 

Apoie Greg Asner e Robin Martin

Dr. Asner and Dr. Martin run the Hawaii Marine Education and Research Center, or MERC, which works with communities to increase coral reef resilience in a changing climate. Please consider supporting their work at Hawaii MERC.


Apoie a Ridhima Pandey

 With her father, Ridhima has created a new initiative to provide education and support to poorer communities in India.

The organization will provide a platform for young people to learn about the impacts of the ecological crisis and how they can take action.


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