Have you seen the documentary “The Letter” that premiered last October 4th at the Vatican? Don’t worry, we won’t spoil it for you, but we do want to share with you why it has been a HIT on YouTube Originals and is reaching record time (almost 3 million views in its first week)!
- The Letter puts a face to the climate crisis
“I’m not just another number in a statistic, I’m a person just like you.”
How do you feel when a friend calls you on the phone to tell you what they are experiencing? That’s what this film feels like: we hear from individuals what is happening to them in their neighborhood, in their family, in their country, regarding climate change and they take us with them to look at what they see and feel what they feel. Who doesn’t feel moved after experiencing such an experience?
2. The Letter brings together the different dimensions of the crisis: it is not only science or politics.
This documentary helps us to look holistically at what this ecological crisis is: ecology does not simply refer to nature (although this is how it is often conveyed); it refers to everything that fits into our development in an environment. Therefore, our relationships, our beliefs, our dreams, our health… are all touched by the climate crisis. As integral beings, “we seek – in the words of Pope Francis in Laudato Si‘- an integral ecology: healing every part of this living system.”
Why Catholics care about climate change
3. The Letter makes us feel supported
“A sense of family emerged at the end of this project,” says Dr. Lorna Gold, director of the Laudato Si’ Movement, and one of the protagonists of The Letter. This same feeling manages to cross the screen and we end up knowing we are part of a large human and planetary family, we are no longer strangers or news in a newspaper. This gives us the strength to go through the crisis together! A revolution from love with other people and with other members of Creation!